
How We Can Help You:

Shoplifting and in store theft are serious issues that can not only affect a store’s bottom line, but can eventually put a store or retail outlet out of business if it is not properly addressed. Busy stores, especially during busy seasons like Holidays, are often overwhelmed with business and flooded with customers. As employees try and keep up with overwhelming demand, many things can go unnoticed. One of the main areas where our trained guards shine is in providing retail loss prevention services. In store theft and shoplifting are serious issues that not only affect a retail establishment’s bottom line, but that may eventually result in a warehouse, or retail outlet going out of business if the issue isn’t addressed and handled.

With RTC Security you don’t have to let thieves, shoplifters or anyone else destroy your store, cost you money during the busy season, or result in you having to close your doors. By hiring RTC, you can prevent direct loss. Our team can help protect your store while teaching your work staff how to ensure theft doesn’t affect the business. RTC can provide help with all the following:

  • Loss prevention training for employees
  • Investigation into in-store theft and shoplifting
  • Apprehension of suspected shoplifters
  • Follow-up
  • Prevention of retail loss
  • Response to retail loss
  • Resolution for retail loss

Retail Loss Prevention

Don’t let shoplifters, thieves, or ANYONE destroy your store, ruin your business. Prevent retail loss today by hiring the experts. We can help protect and teach your workforce to protect the valuable merchandise that is the lifeblood of your business. Our expertise in retail loss prevention can help with: